How can I check if Pure-FTPd is installed on a CentOS 7 system?

I’m trying to set up a FTP server on my CentOS 7 system, and I want to use Pure-FTPd. However, I am not sure if it is already installed on my system. Is there a way to check if Pure-FTPd is installed on a CentOS 7 machine? I have tried running the pure-ftpd -v command, but it just gives me a ‘command not found’ error. Is there another way to check if Pure-FTPd is installed?

Follow the steps below to check if Pure-FTPd is installed on CentOS 7.

  1. Log in to your server as the root user.
  2. Run the following command.
rpm -qa | grep pure-ftpd

If Pure-FTPd is installed, the command will return the version number of the package. If Pure-FTPd is not installed, the command will return nothing

You can also use the below command to check if Pure-FTPd is installed or not.

yum list installed | grep pure-ftpd

If Pure-FTPd is installed, this command will return the package name and version number or nothing if not installed.