How to Change the Welcome Message on Ubuntu VPS Server?

I have a server, and when I log in, I see a welcome message that shows my hosting provider’s logo in text format. I want to replace that with my own logo and message. How can I do this?

To display your custom text logo on your Ubuntu VPS server, follow these steps:

1. Generate your text logo

Go to the ASCII Art Generator website. Enter your desired text (like your logo name) and choose a font style. Once you generate it, copy the text logo.

2. Edit the welcome message file

You need to add your text logo to the /etc/motd file.

sudo vi /etc/motd

3. Paste your text logo.

In the editor, paste the text logo that you copied from the website. You can also put any custom message you want. It should look something like this:

 _                   _   _____   _   _           _   
| |    _____   _____| | |___ /  | | | | ___  ___| |_ 
| |   / _ \ \ / / _ \ |   |_ \  | |_| |/ _ \/ __| __|
| |__|  __/\ V /  __/ |  ___) | |  _  | (_) \__ \ |_ 
|_____\___| \_/ \___|_| |____/  |_| |_|\___/|___/\__|


This server is hosted by Level3Host. If you have any questions or need help,
please don't hesitate to contact us at

4. Save the changes.